May & June
Finally the time had come to take the test. We spent two weeks or so preparing by reviewing what we had learned. None of us could believe how fast the year had flown. I still remember beginning the year, everyone congregated in the hall before class to make sure they had done the right assignments. We were all too scared to participate and worried about our grades to much to share them. By the time we were reviewing, sixth period had become a family. We had all worked hard for the test and were ready to take it. No longer scared to speak up, a fun and self-functional environment had taken over the classroom. We were responsible but trusted each other and our teacher enough to be ourselves and enjoy the end of a tough year.
For me, the exam was not exactly as expected. I had experienced a family emergency just days before the exam and my schedule was thrown for a loop. Fortunately, I was able to attend the Lang exam on the scheduled date and despite distraction, completed the test confidently. Afterwards, we were all relieved and overcome with joy and satisfaction. The week of the test was a stressful end to a stressful year for me, however I know I have learned important skills from AP Lang.
As previously mentioned, I have learned to be less focused on number grades. Academics have always been, and will always be a big part of my life, but I have realized I don't want them to be the only part of my life. This year I have branched out, joining interact club, green team, and running for secretary of Honor Society. These activities and others have certainly interfered with my grades at times, however Lang has taught me how to balance them efficiently. I have also taken a bigger interest in my health recently. I realized that so much work had brought me stress yet limited my activity. Now, I make more effort to exercise and take time for myself as needed. This time does not take away from my academics, but instead makes me more focused when I devote time to them. I await my AP scores impatiently, however I know the value was in the journey, not the end result.
I have also learned to speak up and reach out. The emphasis on participation in lang was right up my alley as I love forming opinions. Through the class however, I have also applied this energy to talking to new people and making friends. Even the people I sat next to in class have become very close to me and without the pressures of lang, perhaps we would have remained distant. I have taken an interest in caring for our planet and its physical and political issues. When I hear of a problem, I research it instead of trying to forget it. Without knowledge we can go nowhere but backwards.
In addition, Lang has taught me to challenge myself. In September, my eyes couldn't bear to look at a dense or old passage. Now, I see progress in other classes and SATs as I confidently assess information more efficiently. Ms. McMahon's approach is intimidating as she is all in from the start, however setting expectations high is the best way to reach them. An expectation to be independent and hard working encouraged me to be the best student I could and to try again when I did not succeed. I will miss the class a lot this summer and next year, however I will strive to maintain the drive I have today.
Lastly, I have learned to be 'a student of the universe'. Where one lesson ends, another is always around the corner, waiting to be learned.